

Do you have a question about one of our games? Do you need clarifications on the game components or rules? Please contact us for any information you need on our products, we will be pleased to assist with your gaming experience. Please write to:

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    Do you have a project you want to release? Are you looking for a publisher for your game? Contact us to submit your projects and ideas: we are always looking for new prototypes to transform into a successful game. Please write to:

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      Do you want to buy one of our games and you don’t know how? You can contact us for any commercial request, as a store manager, a distributor, or gamer. Please write to:

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        1. Hello my name is Michael Walker 1/2 of the content creators So Very Wrong About Games. We produce content on Twitch, YouTube and have a weekly Podcast with an average of 15000 downloads.

          I was hoping that if or when production review copies were made available of Last Aurora: Frozen Steel, you would consider sending one our way.
          We have played and spoke about Last Aurora in episode 147 and have kept it in my collection and am hoping to get it back to the table.

          Thank you for your time

          Michael Walker

          So Very Wrong About Games

          1. Please write to this mail address sending your complete address and picture of the box open with evidence of the missing item. Thank you

        2. Spett.le Pendragon Studio,
          ho cercato di usare il form in alto per il customer service ma non funziona (ho provato sia con il browser firefox che con chrome) pertanto sono costretto ad utilizzare i commenti in modo improprio.
          “Non trovando la domanda tra quelle presenti nelle ultime FAQ da voi pubblicate sono costretto a contattarvi qui.
          Ecco di seguito delle domande inerenti la “variante storia con il capobranco” presente nel regolamento dell’espansione Avamposto norvegese:
          – Cosa accade se la carta luogo rivelata nella fase 4, che indica il luogo in cui si sposterà il capobranco, coincide con il luogo in cui è presente un altro cane?
          – Tra le caratteristiche del capobranco vi è quella che può essere catturato solo da 3 persone; cosa succede pertanto se si trova da solo in una stanza con due persone? Ognuna di queste pesca un segnalino cane? Le persone ignorano il cane?
          – Mi pare di capire inoltre che anche nella modalità storia sia il capobranco che gli altri cani compaiano alla fine del 1° turno. E’ corretto?

          Grazie anticipatamente”

        3. Hello Pendragon it’s Paul Hopkins here,I have been trying to get in contact with you,I have place an order for the human miniatures set 2 but the payment has not been taken,if this is an issue I would like to resolve it,can you contact me asap,I have received a confirmation email from you but it say the order is one hold until the payment is made,my number is on the email if you would like to call me,thank you,

        4. 07762742512,here is my number if you can contact me if possible, I did send a request on your main page as well but I am not sure if you received,just makeing sure ok,later on, Paul Hopkins

        5. Hello, do you have received my payement for the order #5046 ? I did the international transfer yesterday from my french account. Thx

        6. I ordered the item “The Thing – Token set 1” from you (order no. 5159 dated June 19, 2024), but a black token is missing (on the front “the thing” is marked and on the back a man is drawn above). I sent several emails to but without response.
          Could you return the token to me?

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        Updated on 2014-10-22T20:03:41+02:00, by pendragonadmin.