“During the Tang dynasty, Chang’an was one of the largest cities in the world. It was a cosmopolitan urban center with thousands of travellers exploring it. Smell its aromas, discover its streets, find out new ways of living and a whole new culture…”


Chang’an is an engine building and resource management card game where players as important urbanists, will carefully project their plans by placing cards on the top part of their personal boards and to produce resources. Then they will move their cards into the city districts to build amazing buildings and to welcome influential characters in the neighborhood in order to renew and improve the commercial, military, scientific, production, and political fields of Chang’an!
The game can be played in many ways according to the part of the city you decide to develop and the management features you decide to explore.Use different decks to make a different game every time you play!
Combo systems and game variability are important features in Chang’an.
The Pledge of Chang’An is now available on GameFound
Carlo Camarotto, Nestore Mangone
Game for
Players 1-4
Play time 45 min.
Age 14+
Download the ENGLISH rulebook of Chang’An
Chang’An Rulebook